We’re a Business Performance & Growth Strategy Consultancy
We’re home to 50-X which is a Business Accelerator Methodology and eXOS which is a business Operating system for Exponential Scaling – for those who want way more than 10X
What You Get: The 50-X Revolution in Business Growth Coaching
Business Growth Coaching
Imagine a world where your business doesn’t just grow—it skyrockets. That’s the power of Business Growth Coaching. The moment you jump on board, your business shifts into high gear, your team rallies behind you, and you start seeing real results. No more disruption, no more massive consultancy fees, and no more waiting around. This is about fast, effective action that makes you exponentially better every day.
Here’s the deal: You don’t have to struggle alone anymore. We’re here to support you, every step of the way. Together, we’ll craft your business growth plan and bring your vision to life. It’s time to commit, take action, and start seeing success roll in.
Transformative Culture
We don’t just coach businesses; we transform teams. Our transformational team coaching elevates your team from where they are now to where you need them to be. And we’re talking serious results—50-X results. This is how you create the perfect environment for smashing your targets.
Coaching, Not Consulting
Forget the old ways of doing business. We’re not consultants; we’re your growth partners. With our 50-X methodology, you’ll multiply your value, impact your clients like never before, calm your mind, and achieve true freedom.
We’re here to help you break through barriers and become the best version of yourself, both in business and in life. The 50-X model is all about embracing a new way of thinking—a way that’s being adopted by the most innovative and fastest-growing businesses out there. We’re the catalysts for this modern transformation, helping businesses shift from incremental gains to exponential growth.
Awareness Shift for Exponential Growth
Being competitive in today’s digital world isn’t easy. It’s not just about what you sell or do; it’s about changing your awareness level. The 50-X approach will take you from the grind of incremental progress to the thrill of exponential growth. This is how you stay ahead in any market, engage more profitably with customers, and free up your time for what truly matters: strategy, financial growth, and living life on your terms.
The 50-X methodology is built on the principle of overcoming any and all constraints. As a business leader, you need to grow faster than your team. If you’re not growing at the pace your business is capable of, you’re risking stagnation or even decline. Don’t wait until it’s too late—get ahead of the curve with a Specialist Growth Coach. The moment you engage, your business will start accelerating, and your team will rise to the occasion.
Transformational Team Coaching
Your team is the backbone of your business, and transformational team coaching will elevate them to perform at their best, every single day. This is how you unlock their true potential and shift your company culture to one where work is not just a job but an enjoyable challenge.
Defining and Achieving Exponential Goals
You’ve got goals—OKRs, KPIs, CPIs, Focus on 5, quarterly targets—but are they truly transformational? Are they designed to deliver exponential outcomes? We’ll help you redefine your goals through a new lens, one that ensures continuous growth and innovation. Imagine setting goals that not only achieve success but do so in a way that makes everyone take notice.
Our Coaching Style
Our coaching style is designed to make success feel like a natural part of your life, not something you’re forced to chase. We don’t do homework, and we don’t add more to your plate. Instead, we focus on exponential value—taking big, positive leaps forward together. You’ll never feel overwhelmed, just empowered to achieve more.
50-X: The Path to Real Freedom
50-X isn’t just about business; it’s about transforming how you think, work, and live. It’s about making your business more profitable while giving you the time and freedom to enjoy life. We’ll show you the tactics and methodologies to bake exponential growth into everything you do. It’s an awareness shift that makes you unstoppable.
Why 50-X?
Because in today’s world, growth is about more than just revenue—it’s about creating deep connections and offering real value in a networked world. We help you unlearn outdated practices and embrace a mission-driven approach to business, where success is measured by the quality of your relationships and the value you bring to your community.
With 50-X, you’re not just growing your business; you’re transforming it. And in the process, you’ll redefine your industry and achieve outcomes that once seemed impossible. Welcome to the future of business growth—are you ready to 50-X your life?
Quick Comparison
Exponential Vision – Sui Generis* | Incremental View – Driving for first place |
The company isn’t just aiming to succeed within the current industry structure, but to reshape the entire industry in a way that positions them as the sole leader or innovator. | Target being the leader in your industry |
Generating the necessary conditions to achieve Target and Continuous Innovation | Hierarchical Teams and Siloed Groups answerable to stakeholders via a RACI model |
Continuous Precision calibrated to Mission Target (multiple hard horizons) | Future Projection measured against incremental roadmap and plan (near term goals) |
Continuous Adaptive Innovation | Authority and Steer based change |
Breakthrough Solutions to redefine the industry | Make product enhancements to avoid the Schumpeter effect |
Unlearn inefficient models and adopt and learn new models that unlock the power of network effects | Adopt best practice |
Networked Teams adaptive to discontinuity and a continuous innovation model | Hierarchical Teams and Skill optimised groups answerable to stakeholders via a RACI model |
Leadership through extreme inspiration | Command and control |
Engagement is driven by the “mission passion” | People Engagement – commitment is driven via a structured management hierarchy |
Drive for maximum Customer Growth with relentless quality control | Manage Customer Retention through Customer Satisfaction tracking |
Make decisions and weigh trade-offs | Hold firm on KPIs |
Social Experience Destination | Place of Business |
experiment, adapt, learn – adopt | analyse, plan, optimise – change/freeze |
Exponential models are not straight. Visualise it as a bend on the road, where you can’t see around the corner, except here the bend goes up. Progress KPI’s are focussed on ensuring conditions for network effect are being met continuously. | The incremental mindset draws a straight line to navigate from the present to the future. KPIs are based on the beginning of Financial cycle projection targets and mitigated or met. |
Exponential living has intentional uncertainty. There’s no step-by-step plan only mission profile targets. The exponential mindset helps you become comfortable with uncertainty and more ambitious with your goal. | Incremental living provides an early perception of certainty, applying projection based on a plan |
A mission profile defines what happens the before and after – when a SpaceX rocket’s engines fire – you can’t see beyond the clouds but you know precisely how getting there and coming back must work. Continuous huge acceleration, no fuel stop, no place to pull over, no reroute, only tiny calibrated adjustments as the precision mission profile takes you there and brings you back, all calculated to the nearest second and the cost is fixed. it’s pay and go | A project plan similar to driving a planned Route 66 journey from coast to coast, once you start, there can be fuel stops, food stops, comfort stops, mechanical problems, traffic jams and rerouting around roadworks, multiple stakeholders and circumstances to delay or change. You will be late in most cases and have mitigations which will continuously increment costs. it’s go then pay (and worst of all, ya never left earth) |
Gary has been powering CEOs and Founders with his Unplugged Methods for 28 years, his new 50-X operating model is predicated on helping you deliver percieved impossible outcomes that address multiple, contradictory agendas. He will do this for you by helping you build a strategy to overcome all your growth constraints, he invites everyone to live their own context of success, and then he reshuffles the deck around awareness, and both the rules and the playbook, so that everyone gets way more than what they came for. He sincerely believes that everyone gets their perfect outcome when we play exponentially together!
50-X the Core
At Tier 3 you will truly be observing the world of business at a quantum-like level, you will be centred enough to be able to see all of the options before you – thereafter you get to choose how and if to respond.
A coach helps you to observe through life-changing options – Ask Richard Branson, Jack Welch, Bill Clinton, Elon Musk, Boris Johnson, Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Charles Saatchi: it does not matter whether you like them or hate ’em – understand only that they have all ventured beyond simply contributing, they represent “the contribution” because they own the space – they have provided identity to new concepts.
To truly understand Tier 3, imagine you were framing a photograph and simultaneously recording a movie of what you are observing. You begin to ‘think’ like a camera; you notice details in a person, landscape or object and you accept them as they are – pure opportunities.
At Tier 3 you take time to notice things that other people are not seeing. You see the details of the world as well as notice the bigger picture. This is a talent some people have in varying degrees, but it also takes a large degree of patience, a constant dedication to observation, a strong sense of non-judgment, an understanding of the true nature of mindfulness, a big heart and a good coach.
The X stands for exponential
Why 50-X and not 50%
50-X Coaching in a nutshell
- We get clear on your 50-X vision of life and business, your leadership leverage points, time to create and strategy.
- You drive a path to the goal.
- You get together with me and I keep you on track and help you grow in your business exponentially.
- You deliver that 50-X Goal and bask in your success, or push exponentially again to see how much more you can achieve.
What does 50-X actually do?
We view scale as a rebalancing of the size of your business against your total addressable market (TAM). Scale is a breaking free of the “stuckness” that is holding your business back from the things that push your market share up. When your revenues break the normal and natural pace of growth and instead jump into “scale” territory, you go from being in the traffic to being on an open road.
Proper scale is when you can afford to grow your business without robbing the goodwill from tomorrow – it is driven via a commercial growth mindset. This works for all business, Legal, Finance Insurance & Assurance, High Street Shops, Car Sales, Restaurants, F&B, Meat & Veg.
Exponential models are created like a SpaceX rocket launch. First, prepare the vision and mission (the goal – that bit your clients want and will pay for), calculate what it’s going to take and how to measure (and deal with) the uncertainty factors. Next is to build the infrastructure for executing the launch moment. Once launched, you are in the growth phase and like a rocket, things will very quickly, climb beyond your line of sight, clients & revenue accelerating ever faster upward to achieve the goal result you designed, you will need the right team and the exponential metrics to calibrate and adjust to guide an ever-accelerating trajectory. Achieving that 50-X goal can make your business redefine an industry
Once growth skyrockets, responsiveness comes through empowering others to take ownership of decisions and letting go of people-control without losing control. This is the target operating model, where processes are defined via controlled principles, and you finally replace progress reporting with the metrics that ensure the right conditions exist to sustain the network effect of your actions – that which sustains your goal.
Running a business means making big ask decisions, and growing bigger in a recession, may well be the decision what provides the freedom to lead your market. At 50-X, we understand that your business is unique, and we start you off with a Commercial Strategy Model and a Target Operating Model that will catapult everything into focus
What we don't do
We are not personal coaches. That is a specialised role. We can reccomend a few if you reach out.
We are not lead marketing experts – BUT we do know the best and we could connect you.
It needs 4 elements to work in your business
- First, your commitment. You must be crystal clear and fully up for 50-X and driven to reach your 50-X goals. 50-X must become so captivating and important to you that you are truly willing to reinvent yourself to make it happen.
- Third, your ability to take massive action. You will need to stop procrastinating and take real steps every day to test, learn, innovate and resolve the next obstacle on the journey to 50-X.
- Fourth, an unflappable lust for life. If you’re not finding the process fun, exciting, creative and enjoyable, you’ll get sucked back into the noise of the status quo.
ai rudy
Rudi is our AI Assistant – he is not real and he never sleeps. However, we taught him to tell everyone about 50-X even when we are sleeping. Just click on the play button and he’ll tell you about 50-X
What people are saying about 50-X
Gary’s new exponential systems methods are quite remarkable, we 5Xed our Cashflow and slashed our overheads in 15 months.
GR, Croydon UK
Good result 2X Cashflow and cut overheads 23% in 9 months. Chairman is now convinced!
ED , Milton Keynes UK
From empty seats at Lunch hour rush to a line at the door and full every night. The 50-X stuff was a game changer, we closed 2 restaurants to help 1 survive and in 10 months we are expanding and flourishing again.
SS & OD, Soho UK
Gary our webshop was “pretty and quiet”, your words! Today dpd is doing 2 BIG pickups every day – love you guys!
Sally Gunnel, Northampton UK
I’ve worked with Gary as both a client and a business partner. Gary is a true innovator … a creative genius who in my opinion is at the top of his game when it comes to generating inspirational change in people lives and in their businesses. I’ve witnessed Gary take on extreme situations and problems that other world-class professionals have run a mile from – and he throws his heart and soul into generating the sort of changes that last a lifetime. But be warned … he throws out the rule book! I’m privileged to be able to call Gary a true friend and the best business partner one could have.
David Hagan, NZ
What people are saying about Unplugged Leadership Programmes.
Having attended Gary Sage’s training I have a much improved sense of where other people are coming from in their communication and what I can do to help them meet me where I want them to go. Gary teaches a test and observation method of communication and debunks thousands of popular books and methods that use prescriptive means to communicate. Anyone that has ever tried these prescriptive methods will agree that at best they don’t work all the time and mostly they don’t work at all. Anyone attending Gary’s courses needs to be prepared to have their boundaries stretched. Taking things at face value and always doing what you have always done will no longer be an option. Some might find this experience uncomfortable but everyone I know felt a change for the better.”
– Clive Verrall – CIO BNP Paribas India Solutions (2010)
“ An excellent map for the decision-making success”
– Dr. Sarah J. S California, USA (2008)
“This simple system removes ego from the decision making process and avoids the “me too” speeches that drag out a meeting, polarise the members and add no resolution to the issues.”
– Tim B. MBA – New Jersey 2014)
“This approach to making tough decisions has been of enormous value to our team. Even in the toughest of times, organisation’s still have some reserves. Our issue wasn’t that we can’t do anything – it’s that we can’t do everything.”
– B Stuart , London, UK (2011)
“I had no idea people operate so differently. It really works. I did the foot thing in a meeting and it was amazing. It works!”
– J.G London UK (2011)
“The whole course was good, I still feel good and …surprise, surprise – MOTIVATED. mixing quantum physics with philosophy with repatterning … in a business context … no-one else comes even close …”
– Edyta M. Geneva Switzerland. (2016)
“We took away way more than we expected”
– RH Guildford, UK (2022)
“Gary, you’ve discovered the cure for mediocrity! I was a little skeptical about the Multi Level Listening exercises for selling but I am amazed with the results. Words flow effortlessly now. The course was 3 months ago, I’m still totally blown away. I’ve been to over one hundred other sales negotiation and influence programs. They produce cookie-cutter trainings you can find anywhere. Your 50-X stuff goes WAY beyond that.”
– RJD (RIP) – UK
“No more cookie cutter courses for me. This stuff works right away”
– NB Cobham, UK (2022
“I don’t know how I can just do these things now but I just can.”
– AMS (MBA Student), UK
“. . . . . . I then shared some of the skills with my National Sales Manager. He said he was going to send the complete sales department.”
– R.D-B, London UK
(FYI :He did! We did 6 in-house trainings,GS)
“ . . . . . this is disgraceful, manipulative, it should be banned . . . ”
[unhappy customer] – London, UK
“There is real dynamite here. It scares some people. It inspires others.”
Eric Mun – Florida, USA
“These must be some the greatest communication secrets of the ages”
– Ken Jacobi – Minnesota, US
Gary is incredible to work with, he is a powerhouse in life & business delivering spectacular results. His Ultimate Business Program is LIFE CHANGING. Gary is a real gentleman and he absolutely makes the world a better place…
Daphne Diluce, UK
Gary is great. I don’t always understand what he is driving at. But he makes me think – and makes me enjoy doing so. His approach is so different to mine – and it stretches me. That’s not always comfortable, but it’s usually fun.
John Samuel, GE Information Services, UK
Gary is a highly regarded and sought-after talent coach, his differentiator over other coaches is that he brings more than 1 or 2 skills to the table and can therefore mould talent to the individual and/or business needs providing them with multiple skills. He understands the required goals and uses a unique style in achieving these goals rather than providing canned results by applying theoretical coaching concepts gained from a book or a training course.
Jora Gill, CEO connectingyounow.ai
Gary has been my coach for almost a year now, and I have seen significant positive changes in my thinking, career attitude, people management and leadership skills. Gary’s methods are not traditional, he is often left-field, challenging and in your face, but always enthusiastic and brimming with ideas and information. I have also used Gary to help develop my leadership team. It was the first course I’ve attended where I’ve seen multiple, significant light-bulb moments across multiple people and where those light-bulb moments have continued in to the workplace and become established practice.
Steve Clark, co-founder Freeman Clarke UK
What people are saying about 50-X Team Programmes.
Gary ran two one week long management transformation workshops one year apart for us. Both workshops shook our understanding of ourselves and what our role was as managers. No stone was left unturned. Some people were taken out of their comfort zone so fast that they needed a break for the rest of the day. Those that completed the two workshops had learned skills that they would use for the rest of their management careers. The only downside is that I have been critical of all other management courses ever since 🙂
Verrall Clive, Bali Elite Villas